Allocation rules (imputations)

Marketing and Communication projects always follow business development and needs. To this end, all the marketing activities may need time and specific contributions from people of other Smile’s departments: Yes, we need you :)

The time allotted may be related to an event, a written production, a press interview, a customer testimonial, or any form of assistance for an internal project. Nevertheless, keep in mind that your engagement is linked to the growth of your business unit and Smile’s revenue.

In any case, the Marketing department must know and approve your involvement and project before starting. If not, your imputation might be rejected. 

You will find below the different situations in which you are allowed to impute charges to the Marketing Dept or not, and the correct maximal associate timing*:

(*for any specific situation -subject from scratch or new strategic approach, ...-, let's talk about it) 

EVENTS (depends on the effective contribution)


You are leading a pitch during an event (exhibition, trade fair, Smile’s events) and you spent time on the presentation, slides, and pitch, and for the effective duration of the event. 

Projects: Marketing - Fair event (46264) OR Marketing - Webinar (46263)


You are attending as a member of the team to meet clients and prospects, you can not charge the Marketing dept. You work first for your business unit, for which you need to detect commercial opportunities. Your business unit must be charged.


Press Box / Opinion / Blog article

You are writing an article for a journalist or Smile’s blog at the request of the Marketing dept. or spontaneously (and whose interest was internally validated). 

Project: Marketing - Written content (46265)

Interview / Customer testimonial

You are interviewed by a journalist on a specific topic or contributing to a customer business case, you can charge the Marketing dept. 

Project: Marketing - Customer & Business Case (46266)

White Book & mini-book

You are contributing to all or a part of a white book/mini-book. Good ! This can be an open door for every business line, through the MKO. 

Project: Marketing - Written content (46265)