Happy at work  2023

Since June 2023, at the request of the Executive Committee, the Smile Group Committee has actively engaged in analyzing the results of the annual internal survey 'HappyAtWork,' conducted in May 2023. These results have highlighted three major improvement areas, reflecting the Smile Group's commitment to quality of work life and employee well-being, access to better internal information, as well as sustainable development.

A task force, including teams from Communication, HR, Consulting, Delivery, and some members of the Smile Group Committee, was formed to rethink the internal information system. The goal is to establish a real Group intranet, intuitive and effective, to provide better information to employees at any time (Group portal, organizational chart, etc.) and improve the onboarding process for new employees, ensuring optimal integration within the Group. The first version of this platform is expected to be deployed in the first semester of 2024, and we will keep you informed in the upcoming editions.

With the aim of enhancing the quality of work life, the Group is focused on redesigning employees' professional environments to make them more ergonomic and stimulating. It also increases opportunities for employees to gather and celebrate various events. For example, during the Annual Group Convention, the Work-Life Quality Week, year-end celebrations, and the 'galette des rois' (king's cake).

The Group maintains its commitment to sustainable development by continuing to work on improving its CSR practices. The goal is to reduce the Group's environmental and social footprint. Concrete initiatives are being implemented to integrate more sustainable practices into operational processes and to raise awareness among all employees about the importance of CSR. To learn more about our actions, here is our CSR charter.

And if you haven't yet obtained your 'Strong Mind, Responsible Digital' certification, you can obtain it by following THIS LINK.