Smile Group Committee

Dear colleagues,

In the September 2022 newsletter, we presented the creation of a new Group Committee - the Smile Group Committee. 

Who are we? 

As mentioned by Marc in his September editorial, we are in charge of steering strategic projects,  entrusted by the Executive Committee or that we are proposing to the Executive Committee, but also, when relevant, we make recommendations and drive innovation.

What are we working on at the moment?

Reducing our electricity consumption 

Our first project concerns the reduction of our electricity consumption, a key project within the framework of our new Open Up strategic plan, as one of its pillars is Sustainable ICT.

Moreover, this project is very important to us in the context of the crisis in Ukraine, which affected our Smilians in Ukraine, but also throughout Europe in solidarity and as our electricity supply was put in jeopardy this winter. 

The objective of this project is to reduce our consumption by 10% at the Group level as soon as possible. To do so, we worked on three main levers :

Making our Time & Material processes more efficient

The second project we are currently working on concerns our Time & Material activity !

At Smile group, the 'Time & Material' activity involves more than 300 experts in many BUs or entities : UX-Republic, SensioLabs, Alter Way, Synotis, the Expertise BUs in Paris and in the Regions, ECS, in Benelux, in Switzerland. 

T&M relates to all our employees who are directly integrated into our clients’ teams to represent the Group and carry out projects directly from their premises. T&M is a different type of contract than fixed price & engagement contracts: with T&M, we commit to providing human resources or profiles, whereas fixed price & engagement contracts are based on deliverables and a fixed pricing.

T&M represents a growing part of our activities, triggering the need to better industrialize and to have the same processes within the Group. We are learning from SensioLabs and UX-Republic in particular, for which this is the preferred mode of execution and who have recently joined the Group.

We do it all to make our processes related to this activity more efficient, to enable the group to address more clients but also to offer our employees a greater number of opportunities!

We will continue to keep you informed, more news in the next newsletter !

The Smile Group Committee