Tutors at Smile Switzerland

During the Covid-19 period, it was necessary to pay particular attention to the integration of new employees. To this end, Smile Switzerland created a new role, that of "tutor".

The concept is simple: an experienced agency employee is appointed to support and integrate a new team member for the first three months. The sponsor is responsible for the newcomer's integration (both administrative and within the agency), as well as for familiarizing him or her with Smile's tools and processes.

With the help of a charter, the sponsor is responsible for a number of phases and actions designed to support and coach the new employee. This system's advantages are improved integration, an opportunity for the employee to quickly find his or her place, early detection of potential problems, and optimal productivity right from the start of the collaboration.

In short, thanks to the mentoring role set up during the Covid-19 period, Smile Switzerland was able to offer closer support during new employees' integration, thus promoting their success and contributing to better productivity right from the start.

The tutor Fabrice Fioriti (Tech Lead Drupal) with his goddaughter Beya Jemaa