Marc's word

Dear all, 

First of all, let me wish you and your loved ones a very happy new year. May 2023 bring you health, happiness and fulfillment!

Smile group has enjoyed a rich and intensive year in 2022.

We will have the opportunity to come back on all of this in more details during our annual convention which will take place on March 16th at the end of the day.

However, I would like to mention in this editorial a few significant elements:

We cannot, for example, pass over the war in Ukraine, which has affected both our colleagues at Smile Ukraine and the Smile Group as a whole, as well as our customers.

Due to an incredible mobilization of all of us, and first of all of the Smilians in Ukraine, who have shown an unfailing engagement, but also of all of you through your support, and of our customers who continue to trust us, Smile Group will have been able to pass this period. Our attention is still focused on ensuring that 2023 continues in the same line.

2022 was also a year of strong international development with, especially, the successive arrivals of creativestyle (Germany and Poland) and Synotis (Switzerland).

With significant growth in recent years, the governance of Smile Group has also been redesigned to best support its future development, with the establishment of a new COMEX and the creation of the Smile Group Committee.

Three new positions have joined the Executive Committee: a CROO (Chief Revenue and Offers Officer) in the person of Jean-Charles Bordes, a Group HR Director in the person of Luc Fayet, who explains his main missions in this edition of Smile Group News, and finally a General Secretary in the person of Sophie Bouet.

I am delighted to have these three great professionals on our Executive Committee who, I am sure, will bring us a lot in the future.

There are actually so many things I would like to talk about in detail with you: change and acceleration at UX-Republic under the leadership of Yann Cadoret, the Vision project which has allowed us to validate an amended strategic plan that will be revealed to you at the convention (an article tells you more in this edition), a new CRM for the group, new technologies launched, ...

In any case, I'll see you in mid-March for more details but, in summary, we hope that 2023 will allow us to go even further, with the same ambition, full of ideas and energy. Can not wait to write this new page together!

Until then, I would like to reiterate my best wishes for 2023 in the name of the whole management of Smile Group and I thank you for your commitment to us. 

Marc Palazon