Coralie Blot's Interview

Coralie BLOT

"My decision to join Smile was primarily influenced by the company's reputation as an impressive competitor, known for its technical expertise. " Lille Agency Director.

 April 09th 2024, by Rayene Imane Chikhi 

Rayene : Can you introduce yourself?

Coralie : I am 42 years old and a mother of 2 children: Naël, who is 9 years old, and Lya, who is 3 years old. I am a true product of the North, despite a few infidelities to my native region (Seville, London, Paris, and Dakar). I am a passionate, genuine, curious, and hyperactive person. A natural leader at heart, I drag family and friends into all my adventures before they even have time to refuse ;-)

Naturally optimistic, I like to see life on the bright side and believe that anything is possible!

Rayene : A few words about your career?

Coralie : I have over 15 years of experience in the IT sector, mainly with integrators but also with a software publisher (SAP for exemple). I have had the opportunity to lead teams of over 100 people and generate annual revenues exceeding 50 million euros.

This career path has allowed me to develop solid expertise in managing sales & delivery teams. My strength lies in my commitment, dynamism, and desire to lead teams towards success. I am acknowledged for my creativity and ability to disrupt the status quo.

Rayene : How did you come to join Smile ?

Coralie : My decision to join Smile was primarily influenced by the company's reputation as an impressive competitor, known for its technical expertise. My meeting with Ludovic was then decisive: his vision for the future of Smile, his strategy, and the Open Up plan convinced me of the relevance of my choice. And finally, what made the difference for me was the humility and willingness to question themselves by the long-standing members to create a new Smile firmly rooted in its proven expertise while developing new innovative offerings.

Rayene : What are your main responsibilities & what are the major goals of your job?

Coralie : As the agency manager, my main mission is to inject new energy into our Lille team to enhance our position in the local market. Smile must once again be seen as an essential reference in the region, recognized for its expertise and innovation. To achieve this, several strategic events promoting all group brands and strengthening our image with local clients will be organized in 2024. The first will take place in June and will highlight the expertise of UX Republic.

Alongside this, a major challenge is to recreate a true entrepreneurial spirit within the agency through the management team and our fantastic Lille Local Delivery Center. It's crucial to unite all members of our team around a common project: making the Lille agency a model of success and professional fulfillment. By fostering internal cohesion and valuing individual talents, we will be able to strengthen our market position. This approach will not only convince future clients but will also play a crucial role in attracting new talents.