Marc's Word

Dear all,

As we approach the season of summer and holidays, it is also an opportunity to reflect on this first semester as it is no secret that the first half of this year has been challenging for Smile, both externally and internally. 

On top of the tough market conditions that we are experiencing and which are affecting many within our industry, we have had to address some internal issues. Over the past 18 months, we have worked hard to review our organizational framework, improve communication across teams, streamline our processes and reflect on our offers. While we still have work ahead of us, these steps taken have been essential not only for overcoming current challenges but also for positioning ourselves for future success.

Despite the hurdles, we have seen remarkable efforts from many of you. You have shown resilience, creativity, and commitment to our clients. I thank you for all of this !

Thus, at the start of this year, while some of the Group's entities are still in the process of transformation, several offers, brands and subsidiaries are reporting very encouraging results, despite a difficult market. This is a very encouraging sign for the future !

In this Smile Group News before heading into the summer vacation, you will find some topics related to Smile France, of which notably the introduction of Joséphine Noirot-Nérin, our new Head of HR & Recruitment for Smile France. 

We also introduce in this newsletter, Yannis Mansour, Head of Cloud Consulting at Alter Way.

On the Open Source side, we are very proud to announce the creation of the European Open Source Consortium, which Jean-Phillippe Balança has co-created alongside other OS focused European IT providers.  

As we head into the summer vacation period, I encourage each of you to take this time to rest and recharge. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and resilience. Together, we will navigate these challenging times and emerge stronger, more united, and better prepared for the future.

Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable summer break.

Warm regards,
