Bruno's Interview

Bruno Ricard

« Smile has always had a well-defined brand image, with an open source positioning and genuine technological expertise» : interview de Bruno Ricard, Head of Engagements Smile IDF. 

 January 11th 2024, by Rayene Imane Chikhi 

Rayene : Can you introduce yourself ?

Bruno : Hello, my name is Bruno, I am 50 years old, I am married and father of a little girl of 6 years.

I have been lucky enough to live in Asnières recently, but I am from the south of France.

I could tell you that I love skiing, mountain, music, family, good wine or golfing, but I prefer to focus on my joy of being the new Head of Engagements for Smile IDF.

Rayene : A few words about your career ?

Bruno : Coming from a university degree in industrial systems engineering, I spent the first 10 years of my career developing embedded navigation systems for the automotive industry. In the early 2000s, I was part of the launch of digital car interiors and on-board digital services.

Then I joined the digital service industry to find new challenges, and I was not dissatisfied ! Over the past 15 years, I have been given the chance to take on various responsibilities in the delivery sectors  (Project management, bid office, …), in Business sector (Business Unit Director, Key Account management, offer deployment, …) and in management functions (sales & delivery teams).

During these years, I developed a strong desire for customer relationships, customer service, active listening, and finding solutions.. 

Details on LinkedIn ;-)

Rayene : How did you come to join Smile ?

Bruno : Unlike many colleagues in the sector, I believe Smile has always had a well-defined brand image, with an open source positioning and genuine technological expertise. 

Ludovic and I have known each other for a long time, and he was the one who gave me the chance to develop in the most challenging positions I could take.

When Ludovic became the new CEO of Smile France, we soon shared the Open Up plan and the associated challenges. I was immediately seduced and wanted to be fully involved in this adventure, mixed with ambition, transformation and team spirit. The meetings with Marc and Cyrille have completely validated my enthusiasm and commitment to join Smile.

Rayene : What are your main responsibilities & what are the major goals of your job?

Bruno : In order to answer these two inquiries, I would like to share a slide that I presented at the 2024 Kick-Off of Smile IDF

I find all these projects and challenges exciting.

I am lucky to have a very good team of Engagement Managers.

I enjoy the richness of the entire ecosystem of the Smile group