marc's word

À New Year, A Fresh Start : Welcome 2024 !

Dear Smilians,

First of all, let me wish you a Happy New Year! As we step into the promising corridors of 2024, it is with great pleasure that we bring you the first edition of our Smile newsletter for the year. 

Before we delve into the exciting prospects of the year ahead, let's take a moment to celebrate our achievements in 2023. From successful project deliveries to client accolades, each milestone reflects our commitment to excellence. 

Despite the challenges posed by a rapidly evolving technology landscape and the global landscape, 2023 allowed us to reflect and reorganise, notably in France, with the arrival of Ludovic Perdrijat as the CEO of Smile France, but also at Group level with the arrival of Julien Richard, as our new CFO. 

It also allowed us to launch new initiatives with notably the launch of our AI Gen offer, the Symfony team joining the Group, our new CRM being fully deployed across the Group. 

As you all know, 2024 will be the year where Paris will be hosting the Olympic Games bringing forward athletic values such as perseverance, determination and teamwork. Let us inspire ourselves by these and use them to bring unparalleled IT services to our clients, commit to innovation, efficiency and client satisfaction to set us apart in the competitive landscape. 

This year, let’s aim not only to meet but exceed our client expectations, under the key themes of:

Stay tuned for exciting events, training opportunities, and announcements throughout the year, starting with our annual convention which will take place in March on the 21st ! 

Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication. Here's to a year filled with success, growth, and countless opportunities!

Wishing you all a fantastic start to the year!

Best Regards,
