european week of sustainable development 2022


What is Treely? 

A mobile application that counts the number of steps taken throughout the duration of the challenge. At each level reached, a tree will be planted. The challenge started on September 27 at 12:00 and will end on October 10 at 14:00.

Treely works with the NGO Eden reforestation projects and has chosen to work on a project to restore devastated mangroves in the northwest of Madagascar. For more information, visit their Tree Nation page or their website


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the United Nations, is based on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It identifies key challenges that require urgent action at all levels and by all actors in society.

The European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) raises awareness of the 2030 Agenda across Europe. It encourages stakeholders from all territories to organize actions in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. This year, the theme is "Acting daily" so what better way to start than by adopting simple and easy to implement eco-actions. This is why Smile is launching its awareness campaign on responsible digital technology, water management, waste management and lighting. 

These posters are available at all Smile Group locations.

Enjoy reading !

Carbon footprint certification

Because it is necessary to measure before being able to reduce, Smile France has calculated its 2021 carbon footprint and has been accompanied by Carbo. We are also starting to measure the balance for the whole Smile group in the coming weeks. 

We have obtained the 2021 carbon footprint certification and are currently working on the implementation of actions to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. 


Among the 17 sustainable development goals established by the UN, goal 15 -Terrestrial life- aims at preserving and restoring terrestrial ecosystems, ensuring their sustainable use, sustainably managing forests, combating desertification, halting and reversing land degradation and halting the loss of biodiversity. 

The Smile group is committed during this European week of sustainable development and becomes sponsor of a hive of 50,000 bees. An environmental and solidarity action in support of the beekeeper of tomorrow. 

Smile wins Ecovadis silver medal

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Ecovadis 2022 Silver Medal for our efforts in corporate social responsibility.

This very good progress allows us to be ranked in the top 25% of companies evaluated by Ecovadis 🥳

We will obviously continue to work on our CSR approach and aim for continuous improvement of our rating.