

"Leading a training center is a great end to my profile" : interview with Elsa Magne, Director of Customer Training at Smile Group

April 6th, 2023 by Rayene Imane Chikhi

We had the opportunity to talk with Elsa Magne about her career path and the challenges of her role as manager of the customer training center within the Smile group, at UX-Republic.

Discover her interview!

Rayene Chikhi: Can you introduce yourself?

Elsa: Hello, my name is Elsa Magne. I am 33 years old and I am happy to have the confidence of the company to manage the training centers of the Smile group.

Rayene: Tell us about your career path and your functions! 

Elsa: I am a designer by vocation. I graduated in Industrial Design at Strate, a design school, and specialized in service design and connected objects.

I started my professional career at Safran Aircraft Engines in a service design FabLab for airlines. My daily work consisted in improving and digitalizing engineering and maintenance services for aircraft engines. I was also very active in raising awareness of UX Design among the 17,000 employees of the group. I was one of the first recruits.

After 3 years of rich and formative experience, I had the opportunity to join UX-Republic. The human encounters made me want to start consulting and put myself in danger as a UX-Designer.

I have been working for almost 7 years at UX-Republic and I have been able to practice different positions, all of which are equally rich and varied. I joined the team as a UX Consultant, the UX Evangelist as they liked to call us and introduce us to the client in 2016. Very quickly, the management team trusted me and offered to manage a team of 5 people. One thing leading to another, I was able to prove that my position as UX manager made sense by managing the career and operational follow-up of all the UX Evangelists at UX-Republic. Once the critical size of the teams to be managed was reached, I was able to diversify my fields of action by creating the Service Design offer and then by taking over the activity of the UX Training Center.

I've been working in the UX training field for 3 years now, and recently in the technical field. I try and learn every day to surpass myself. What makes me a committed and invested employee is to always be able to grow and learn new skills. Finally, leading a training center is a great end to my profile.

Rayene: How did you come to UX-Republic?

Elsa: I came to UX-Republic thanks to the human encounters I had during my job interviews. The values of sharing and customer intimacy are those that correspond to me the most! In 7 years, I have only increased my professional circle with clients and profiles from all walks of life. It's so stimulating!

Rayene: What are your new functions within the Smile group?

Elsa: My new role within the Smile group is to lead the client training center. This involves challenging and redefining the training offer, maintaining our qualities and enhancing the strength of our expertise while diversifying the group's field of activity.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole team who have welcomed me with kindness and support.

Rayene: What are the challenges of your job?

Elsa: The challenges of my job are : to support the demonstration of the Smile group's expertise, to support the development of an added-value, high-margin offer for the group, maintain the quality labels of the training centers in order to be recognised on the market, and finally maintain the loyalty of the expert trainers.