Smile and Open-Source

Smile : I.T. is open - Our contributions to Open Source projects

Open-source is one of the strongest values of Smile. 

In 2022 we made 1302 contributions overall to different projects related to the variety of fields of our expertise, including E-commerce, Embedded and Business Apps. The largest number of contributions was made in the E-commerce field (1117 contributions), in the framework of the Elasticsuite project (299 contributions) - one of the top downloaded modules (2M+ downloads) of Magento, initiated by Smile. 

Moreover, the Gally project (a next generation Searchandising Engine) initiated by Smile in 2022, lead to 815 contributions. The Embedded field is ranked second, with an overall of 110 contributions to projects as Fledge, Buildroot, GCC, U-Boot, Kernel Linux and systemd

And the “Bronze medal” goes to the Business Apps field with 58 contributions to the Odoo project.

And here is our TOP 10 Smile Contributors(non-exhaustive list based on commits identified on open-source projects) :