Meeting and Email Guidelines

For a smarter communication, here are the Meeting & Email Guidelines from Smile Group Committee.

Dear all, 

Every day, we all receive dozens of emails and are invited / participate to a lot of meetings throughout the day. We often ask ourselves the following questions: 

In addition, it has been estimated that a simple email emits 4 grams of CO2e and an email with an attachment emits 35 g of CO2e and having a meeting has direct and indirect cost for participants and for the company (energy, time spent, cost of meeting…). 

In this context we, as the Smile Group Committee, have worked on a few guidelines for meetings and email efficiency, which aim at making us, the Smile Group, more productive ! As you will see many of these rules are common sense rules but it is good sometimes to remind them and share good practices to be more efficient together. 

This rules are short & simple to become a part of corporate culture.

Please read these carefully and apply them to your daily exchanges.

Other steps on meetings & emails efficiency will be spread shortly. 

Cheers !

The Smile Group Co

Meeting efficiency

Email efficiency

A. General email guidelines

B. Email sender & receiver responsibilities 

Sender's responsibility

Receiver’s responsibility