Marc's word

Dear all,

Yes! In this month of April, Spring is here at Smile Group and with it, many projects are being launched.

Of course, we are very proud to have announced our brand new strategic project "Open up" during our annual convention on March 16th. You were also able to discover it through the manifesto that was distributed in your agencies. This project, established in a collegial manner with you, our partners and our clients, will be our guiding principles over the next few years, quite a program!

In this vein, at the beginning of 2023, we are taking shape in projects that will structure the future. I can mention, in no particular order, the structuring of the Group HR team, with Hugo Colignon's arrival, the deployment of e-learning tools, CSR which is accelerating, the UX-Republic brand which is being deployed, projects carried out by the brand new "Smile Group Committee", etc.

I'll let you discover all this in more detail in this Smile Group News.

To conclude this editorial, I would like to remind you how grateful we are to all those who work on a daily basis for the future of our group, all subsidiaries and all countries combined. I am aware of how far we have come thanks to you over the last few years and I am confident and impatient to discover what we will be able to accomplish in the years to come together.

Remember our 5 pillars!

One Smile, Team Excellence, Client-Oriented, Sustainable commitment & International Group

Take care and see you soon
