
By Romain Leuleu 

On the program: capitalization, open source, tooling, new solutions in the DemoFactory and training!

The E-Commerce CoP has recently released two important modules: DataFlow and Custom Entity Akeneo. Thanks to the French and Ukrainian teams for these great achievements!

The main use of this Magento module is to execute tasks and to provide advanced features related to the execution of tasks such as task status / logs accessible from the administration area, retry system, email report on errors...

Many projects were using both the dataflow module and the connector module. The main objective of this new version of dataflow is to provide enough functionality so that the connector can be completely abandoned. It is a complete rewrite from scratch and is compatible with Magento 2.4.4 and higher.

This Magento module completes the existing Custom Entity module in order to import Akeneo reference entities into the Custom Entity module and link them to products or other custom entities.

The project tooling continues to evolve: SonarQube has been updated and is now available outside VPN. The tool provides automatic code review to detect bugs, vulnerabilities and code messes in your code. It can be integrated into your existing CI/CD workflow to allow continuous code inspection.

The Demo Factory expands its catalog with Akeneo and Nuxeo. As a reminder, the platform allows us to present to our customers different solutions such as Magento, ElasticSuite, Drupal or Odoo. If you wish to have an access, you just have to make a request via Helpdesk/GLPI.

Finally, new FastTrack training courses are available at https://learning.smile.fr/FastTrack/