Marc's word

 Dear all,

As we enter the summer months, a new season is also upon us at Smile Group. I'd like to take advantage of this editorial to talk about these new rays of sunshine, each bringing a zest of vitality, novelty and complementary ambition to the Group. 

First of all, a warm welcome to Fabien Potencier, the Symfony open-source framework's creator, and of course to all the Symfony Inc. teams. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Julien Richard, who joined us at the end of May as the Group's Chief Financial Officer

These two new arrivals will, I'm sure, give us extra energy and a fresh eye to start the second half of the year with a bang!

Another important point concerns, as already announced, the appointment on the Smile Group's behalf of Véronique Torner as President of Numeum. As the first woman elected to head the organization, she will continue to carry out her duties as Managing Director of alter way, while helping to shape the French digital sector via Numeum. It's also a major asset that will enable our Group to shine even brighter in our ecosystem.

Sunshine also comes from our projects and customers:

To begin with, we can point to some fine commercial successes, notably the institutional site's redesign of the Croix Rouge's International Committee, the sale of a first Shopware integration in Germany, and also the take-off of SensioLabs in Germany, signing its first contracts in this new geography, with the support of our German subsidiary creativestyle

Congratulations also to the project teams for their deliveries in May and June, including Afibel's Magento decommissioning to Headless, the delivery of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region's Europe site, the commissioning of the ONE internal application for Schmidt Group, and the Eurovision site's resilience during the event. These are just a few examples of the very fine references we've added to our catalog of skills!

I'd like to thank you sincerely for your commitment to our Group and wish you all the best for the summer. I hope that those of you who are going on vacation this summer will take full advantage of this well-deserved break, and I am convinced that you will return from your vacation with renewed energy, ready to take on new and exciting challenges.

For our part, as you will have gathered by now, we intend to continue taking initiatives to inject renewed energy into the Group and materialize our strong ambitions reiterated through our #OpenUp strategic plan unveiled in March this year.


See you soon, and have a great summer !
