Enquête HappyAtWork de ChooseMyCompany

You have all been invited to take the HappyAtWork survey by ChooseMyCompany. 

We remind you that the survey is 100% anonymous🔐 and that we never have access to the individual data of respondents 🙈

If you still haven't answered the survey, feel free to check your emails. It was sent to you by sacha@choosemycompany.com and will only take 5 minutes of your time.

You can also find the direct link to the survey by clicking here, just fill in your email to access it.

Treely : Your efforts have paid off! 

The challenge launched during the European Sustainable Development Week 2022 at Smile has paid off. Thanks to all the steps taken by the employees, 3,031 trees of 4 different species have been planted in the northwest of Madagascar, in order to restore the mangroves. All this would not have been possible without Treely and its partnership with the NGO Eden reforestation projects.

For more information, please visit their Tree Nation page or their website.

Thanks to your efforts, the following plants have been planted in the mangroves: 

127 Avicennia marina
488 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
785 Ceriops tagal
1636 Rhizophora mucronata

Sponsors of the 2024 Olympic Games

Responsible commitment is one of the strategic pillars of our group.

Smile and Alter Way are proud to be sponsors of the 2024 Paralympic Games of two French athletes, Brianna Vidé and Ludovic Lemoine, two great fencing champions. 

Until the next Olympics 2024, we will support them in their preparation and will share together the values that unite us, which are commitment, inclusion and rigor.


A few months ago, Smile Group launched its new training platform, Strong Mind.

Strong Mind was created to train you and accompany you in your rise in competence. 

Today, the focus is on Digital Responsibility but you will soon discover other internal certifications that will enrich our platform.

Smile Group now has nearly 370 certified employees and we don't intend to stop there!

If you haven't yet passed your certification, don't wait any longer and take the questionnaire as many times as you want and get your Bronze Digital Responsibility certification.

Link to the questionnaire: 
