

"Shake IT!" Campaign (June/July 2020)

The new marketing campaign for your clients.


4 campaigns, 4 topics

Start from 16th of June until the end of July 

4 topics: Business Apps, Web & Ecommerce, Cloud & DevOps, Connectivité IoT. 

Only french speakers.


Pour y voir plus clair ;)

2020 Shake IT Liens par agence

Liens trackés

Retrouvez par webinar et par agence, le lien tracké à insérer dans vos communications (clients / prospects).

Suivi Global des inscrits aux webinars - Fichier partagé en ligne 

Shake IT - Suivi Global Inscrits webinars

video social media

Use this LinkedIn Post to promote this Shake IT campaign

flashcard social media

1st emailing campaign

launched on 9th of June

Targets: all data base FR + Switzerland

past events

"Let's talk about IT!" Campaign (April/June 2020)

40mn regular webinars to address more complex issues.

Start March 31, 2020, all emailings sent on our global database.

Only french speakers. 

"Tech a Smile" :)

20mn short webinars for a daily meeting with our clients

Start March 24, 2020, all emailings sent on our global database.

Only french speakers.

Thursday April 2nd 2020, 3pm (Paris time)

SensioLabs' partners-only webinar on SymfonyInsight, the code quality tool of Symfony

Register to the webinar here